President’s Corner

As a proud member of the American Payroll Association and its Hartford Chapter, it has been my honor to serve on the Board of Directors for the past several years. I plan to take that experience to new heights as I serve as Chapter President this term.

My affiliation with the Hartford Chapter has provided me with years of professional development, camaraderie, personal growth and an abundance of resources. A great deal of the successes that I have experienced over these years can be directly attributed to my association with the APA and its members. Membership with the APA is a vital resource to a payroll professional.

I would like to thank the Board of Directors in advance for their time, energy and effort that they have committed to. With their assistance, I hope to put new energy into our quarterly meetings, activities and learning opportunities. As I follow the lead of the hard working, dedicated past Presidents and their Board Members, I hope to expound on their dedication to provide an invaluable service to the payroll public and its affiliates.

If you are an existing member of the APA, I urge to you consider increasing your involvement by joining a committee, attending Board Meetings and networking. The more involved you are, the more you will learn and grow! We have not attained the success of a thriving chapter alone. It has been through member’s contributions at all levels and is always appreciated.

If you are currently not a member please visit the National APA’s website to learn more about how to join.

Finally, I welcome suggestions on speakers, presentation topics, meeting locations, activities and any other feedback you may have to offer. So please, feel free to contact me via the Meet the Officers page. Of course, you can always catch me at the next Quarterly Dinner Meeting to tell me in person!

I look forward to hearing from you very soon!
Gail Ryan, CPP
President, 2007 – Current
American Payroll Association, Hartford Chapter
Chapter President’s Citation